Just Love
- Posted by Amaka Akinteye
Just Love
Love is a word that has been misused by so many in diverse ways, if not all. Love is one of a kind.It is a pure feeling of acceptance, an all or none. Love is not lust.
God demonstrated love when He sent His only Son to die for mankind. He paid the ransom to redeem us from sin/sickness/death. This love is the kind that does not dwell in the past but is ever futuristic.It forgives always and forges ahead. It does not keep offenses.
Love is kind even when the other does not deserve it, just like we did not deserve God’s kindness in sacrificing His own Son for us.
Love in relationships is tested to the limit but so many fail the test. When we take marriage vows to love in bad and good times, it refers also to loving the other even when they betray our trust. Peter denied Jesus three times, but that did not compel Jesus to deny Peter of all His promises. You must forgive.This is the sticky part.
Love is carefree. It loves no matter the offense. Assuming you sin against God and you ask for forgiveness but God turns His back on you; then it’s over for you. But never! God always forgives no matter the gravity of the offense. As it was written in the Holy Bible, if your brother offends you, you must forgive him 70 x 70 times which is equal to 4900 times in one day. That in itself is impossible for one person to offend you 4900 times.
Love can only be demonstrated if it comes from within. You cannot radiate love if you do not possess self-love. Nemo dat quod non habet. – Nemo dat rule